
Help us shape a vision for economic vitality and water protection in Wakulla County

Hoping to correct the Wakulla County Commission’s refusal to provide citizens the opportunity to engage with experts and county staff in formulating a stronger Wakulla Springs Protection Ordinance, members of three advocacy groups, The Wakulla Springs Alliance, Clean Water Wakulla, and the Friends of Wakulla Springs, are convening a public forum, of their own, to craft a vision for water quality in Wakulla County and recommendations for improving the proposed ordinance.

The Community Forum on Economic Growth and Groundwater Protection will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, at the Wakulla Environmental Institute, 170 Preservation Way, in Crawfordville.

County commissioners directed staff to revise the current Springs Protection Ordinance in response to strong citizen opposition to a proposed zoning change that would allow a large gas station on a site underlain by the Chips Hole cave system. 

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