
Pensioner, 72, becomes first Brit to have crucial heart surgery using fibre optic cord

The operation was guided by a hair-thin fibre optic cable threaded all the way up through an artery and could eventually help thousands of men at risk of fatal aneurysms

Kevin Dowd’s condition was only discovered during a regular heart scan

A grandad has become the first Brit to undergo pioneering surgery to keep blood flowing through his heart.

The operation was guided by a hair-thin fibre optic cable threaded all the way up through an artery from his groin and could eventually help thousands of men at risk of fatal aneurysms.

Retired printing company owner Kevin Dowd saw surgeons use the tiny camera to remotely repair a potentially deadly aneurysm inside his aorta high in his chest cavity.

The aorta is the largest artery and carries blood out from the heart.

An aneurysm forms when a portion of the aorta weakens causing a bulge, which can be fatal if it bursts.

Such ruptures kill around 6,000 people a year in England and Wales but from now can be fixed with much less invasive surgery.

Kevin with Prof Bijan Modarai
Kevin is feeling well two months on from the procedure

Kevin, 72, from the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, said: “They told me when it bursts you have just 40 seconds then you’re dead.

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