The Vontobel Fund – Emerging Markets Investment Grade targets investment grade emerging market sovereign or corporate bonds with different maturities, in various hard currencies.
The Vontobel Fund – Asian Bond primarily puts money into corporate bonds across Asia, of diverse qualities with different maturities and currencies.
The new offerings will be managed by Wouter Van Overfelt, head of EM corporates. Both are Luxembourg domiciled and charge 0.55%.
The team aims to optimise the spread for a given risk level by comparing remuneration potential across issuer qualities, countries, interest rates, currencies and maturities to identify the most rewarding opportunities, some of which may be contrarian.
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“One fund provides clients with access to high quality fixed income through a lower risk version of our existing hard currency funds, while the other fund is an Asian dedicated version of our flagship emerging market corporate fund, which offers exposure to fast growing Asian economies,” said Van Overfelt.
Simon Lue-Fong, head of fixed income, added: “The sentiment towards emerging markets fixed income has improved this year and, during these first few weeks of 2023, we have already seen significant interest from clients for the asset class.”