
Test Valley residents struggling with bills urged to claim money

The Government has put the scheme in place to give support to households who are currently struggling to pay their energy bills.

Residents who pay by direct debit received the payment as an automatic £66 credit to their electricity bills in October and November, and £67 in December and January. The scheme also allowed residents to claim in both February and March and provides a further £400 off electricity bills through monthly discounts.

The average family is expected to be saving £1,300 altogether while more vulnerable households have received £800 on top of that as well – making a £2,100 saving.

Test Valley Borough councillor Iris Anderson has spoken about the scheme and fears that many people are not claiming the Government money they are entitled to.

READ MORE: Test Valley residents struggling financially urged to get help

She said: “I know the government has been giving the £67 which finishes in March but you think what is going to happen to people when they don’t get that money? I think my worst fear is for the people who have got illnesses and have to have their machines on and people with disabilities who have to have their heating on. We can’t afford to let them go cold.

“I think people are still not claiming because some people still don’t know how to do it and that is what worries me and it is very frightening. It is alright if you pay by direct debit but these other people who have to have it posted to them, they have to wait for it to go through the system. I am worried a lot of people haven’t been claiming or don’t know how to.”

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She said that elderly people who use a Post Office to pay their bills might not realise that on the back of their letters is the £67 to put on their electric meter. 

She continued: “Do they realise they need to take that to the Post Office to get it put onto their electric meter, is it just sitting there? My encouragement is if they have got support workers or somebody that calls on them to see if they are okay, could that person just check with them that they have not had any letters?

“It makes me sad to know the consumer out there is suffering, whether you be old, young or married. I just feel really helpless.”

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