
How to Obtain a Bank Statement to Apply for a UK Visa?

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Updated July 2024

Applying for a UK visa necessitates fulfilling multiple criteria, with one key requirement being the demonstration of sufficient financial means to support oneself during one’s stay. The type of UK visa—whether work, visitor, or business—determines the specific bank statement requirements that must be met.

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In this article, Wego offers detailed insights into the essential requirements and minimum balance criteria for bank statements across various types of UK visas.

UK visa bank statement requirements

The UK visa bank statement requirements usually depend on the type of visa you are applying for. The following are the requirements for various categories of visas:

General requirements for all visas

Although there are various types of visas to enter the United Kingdom, the following are some of the general requirements regarding the bank statement that remain consistent across all visa types. 

Please note that bank statements that are produced will not be accepted as financial evidence if:

  • The bank account is not regulated by the financial regulatory body in the country the applicant is applying from
  • The bank account that does not use electronic record-keeping.

Bank statement general rules and stamping

Applicants who are not financially sponsored can produce bank statements from any of the following types of bank accounts as evidence:

  • Current account
  • Deposit account
  • Savings account
  • Pension savings
  • Investment account

Besides bank statements, there are also other means of proving financial sustainability. However, as we are discussing bank statements, the following information must be present in the statement:

  • The date it was issued
  • The applicant’s name (or the account holder’s name if it is the applicant’s parent or partner)
  • The name of the bank or building society
  • Balance on the account

Applicants can also provide a download of electronic bank statements if they have the information mentioned above. Moreover, the bank need not stamp the statement.

Please note that the UK government may conduct verification checks with the bank. If they cannot verify the funds, the application may be refused.

Requirements for partner or children

The applicant’s partner of children can also apply to join or stay in the UK, given that they satisfy the other eligibility checks, depending on the type of visa. For that, the applicant’s partner or children must have a certain amount of money available to support themselves while they’re in the UK.

The partner or child – will need:

  • EUR 285 for the partner
  • EUR 315 for one child
  • EUR 200 for each additional child

For instance, EUR 600 must be needed to bring your partner and one child with the applicant to the UK (EUR 285 for your partner and EUR 315 for your child). The applicant would also need to have EUR 1,270 to support themselves for their own application.

The same general requirement applies to this: The applicant—or their partner or child—must have had the money available for at least 28 days in a row. Day 28 must be within 31 days of the application or their visa application.

The applicant usually needs to show proof of this when they apply unless either:

  • They have all been in the UK with a valid visa for at least 12 months
  • Their employer can cover their family’s costs during the first month in the UK – this must be confirmed on the certificate of sponsorship.

If the partner or child is applying at a different time to the applicant, they’ll only need to prove they have enough money to support themselves if they have been in the UK for less than one year.

Other requirements

Some other general requirements include:

  • The minimum amount that is demanded by certain types of visa should have been held for 28 days 
  • The bank statement(s) or evidence the applicant uses to show the funds held for 28 days must be from 31 days before they submit the application. The 28 days are calculated from the date of the last transaction in the last-dated bank statement.

Requirements for specific visa types

To be eligible for the following visas, the minimum balance requirement that should be held in the applicant’s bank account is EUR 1,270. Moreover, as previously mentioned, the money should be available for at least 28 days in a row while submitting the proof:

  • Charity Worker visa
  • Creative Worker visa
  • Government-Authorized Exchange visa
  • Graduate Trainee visa (Global Business Mobility)
  • High Potential Individual visa
  • Innovator Founder visa
  • International Agreement visa
  • International Sportsperson visa
  • Minister of Religion visa (T2)
  • Religious Worker visa
  • Scale-up Worker visa
  • Seasonal Worker visa
  • Secondment Worker visa (Global Business Mobility)
  • Senior or Specialist Worker visa (Global Business Mobility)
  • Service Supplier visa (Global Business Mobility)
  • Skilled Worker visa
  • UK Expansion Worker visa (Global Business Mobility) 

Please note that the proof must be produced during the application process unless either:

  • The applicant has been in the UK with a valid visa for at least 12 months
  • The employer can cover the applicant’s costs during their first month in the UK, up to EUR 1,270.

UK Ancestry visa

A UK Ancestry visa requires a bank statement or other proof to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and any dependents during your stay. There is no fixed amount that must be shown.

Please note that the general requirement is that the money must be held for at least 28 consecutive days. Day 28 must fall within 31 days of applying for this visa.

Youth Mobility Scheme visa and India Young Professional Scheme visa

For the Youth Mobility Scheme visa and the India Young Professional Scheme visa, the applicant must have at least EUR 2,530 in their bank account to show they can support themselves in the UK. 

Please note that the general requirement is that the money must be held for at least 28 consecutive days. Day 28 must fall within 31 days of applying for this visa.

Student and Child Student visa

For UK Student and Child Student visas, the requirements depend on many factors, as mentioned below:

  • If the applicant lives during term time with a foster carer or close relative who is a UK resident or British citizen:
    • The person the application is living with needs EUR 570 for each month of their course (up to a maximum of 9 months)
  • If the applicant lives with a parent or legal guardian who has a Parent of a Child Student visa, they need:
    • EUR 1,560 for each month of the visa (up to a maximum of 9 months) for the first child accompanying the parent
    • EUR 625 for each month of the visa (up to a maximum of 9 months) for each additional child
  • If the applicant lives independently as a 16 or 17 year old, they need:
    • EUR 1,023 for each month of your course (up to a maximum of 9 months) if studying outside of London
    • EUR 1,334 for each month of your course (up to a maximum of 9 months) if studying in London

For financial proof, the applicant has other options than a bank statement, as the visas are for students and child students. They can produce the bank statement of their own account or parent’s or partner’s account. 

Please note that all the general bank statement requirements apply for this visa.

Visas without a fixed minimum balance requirement

The following UK visas do not have fixed minimum balance requirements:

  • Representative of an Overseas Business visa
  • Short-term study visa 
  • Marriage visitor visa 

The UK government website does not specifically mention any minimum amount that should be maintained for these types of visas. Instead, it demands that the applicant produce evidence that they have enough funds to sustain themselves and their dependents, if any, during their stay. 

Bank statements or payslips for the last six months can be used as financial proof. This applies only to representatives of an overseas business visa and short-term study visa. However, the duration of a bank statement for a marriage visitor visa has not been released by the officials. 

How to obtain bank statements for a UK visa?

The process of obtaining a stamped bank statement differs between banks, but it should not be difficult, as the UK government does not mandate stamping. Electronic bank statements are also accepted.

Many banks offer streamlined features to facilitate the process, and some offer digital alternatives. To obtain a bank statement, simply contact your bank or request it online, providing the required details.


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