
Changing Cryptocurrency Regulations in the UK: A Brave New World for Digital Assets

The UK’s relationship with cryptocurrencies has gone from cautious observation to active engagement. Recent months have seen significant developments in the regulatory landscape, marking a turning point for investors and businesses operating in the British crypto market.

In a move that surprised many, the Bank of England Governor, Andrew Bailey, recently indicated a more open stance towards cryptocurrencies. While acknowledging the inherent risks, Bailey emphasised the need for ‘constructive engagement’ with the industry to explore its potential benefits. This shift in tone reflects a broader recognition of crypto’s growing influence in the financial world.

The FCA takes centre stage

One of the most impactful changes came in October 2023. Previously operating in a regulatory grey area, crypto-asset promotions targeting UK consumers now fall under the purview of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This means that any firm marketing crypto-related services must be authorised or registered with the FCA. This crucial step brings much-needed clarity and consumer protection to the British crypto space.

Prioritising investor safety

The FCA’s involvement prioritises investor safety in the often-uncertain world of crypto. Firms promoting crypto assets must now adhere to stricter marketing guidelines designed to combat misleading information and ensure transparency. This includes a focus on clearly outlining the risks involved in crypto investments, a stark contrast to the sometimes overly optimistic claims seen in the past.

If you are unsure about navigating the new investment opportunities that are on the horizon in the world of digital assets, you could consider seeking legal help from crypto and digital asset lawyers.

Regulation by function, not by asset

Unlike some countries that have opted for a blanket ban or strict asset-based regulations, the UK is taking a more subtle approach. The new framework adopts a “function-based” model, focusing on regulating the activities related to crypto assets rather than the assets themselves. This allows for greater flexibility and adaptability as the crypto landscape continues to evolve.

The evolving landscape: stablecoins and DeFi

While the initial focus lies on trading platforms and promotions, the conversation around crypto regulation is far from over. Regulators are closely examining emerging areas like stablecoins and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications. Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies pegged to a stable asset, like the pound sterling, aiming to reduce volatility. DeFi refers to a growing ecosystem of financial products and services built on blockchain technology, often bypassing traditional intermediaries.

The potential impact of regulations on stablecoins and DeFi remains to be seen, and finding the right balance is a complex task that UK regulators are actively grappling with.

Balancing innovation and stability


The UK government, along with the FCA, faces the ongoing challenge of balancing innovation and stability. Fostering a regulatory environment that encourages responsible innovation while maintaining financial stability is crucial for creating a sustainable and secure crypto ecosystem.

A global approach to crypto regulation

The UK is not alone in its quest to regulate the crypto space. Recognising the global nature of cryptocurrencies, the FCA is actively working with international counterparts to develop consistent global regulations. This collaborative approach aims to prevent ‘regulatory arbitrage’, where businesses exploit discrepancies between different jurisdictions and foster a more level playing field for the industry as a whole.

The changing regulatory landscape in the UK presents both challenges and opportunities for investors. While increased scrutiny might lead to short-term volatility, it also signifies a maturing market with a stronger focus on consumer protection. As the regulations evolve and the dialogue continues, the UK crypto space is poised for a period of significant growth and development.

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