
Crypto Giants Coinbase, Ripple, and a16z Influence 2024 U.S. Elections with $169M Campaign Fund

The TDR Three Key Takeaways Regarding Crypto Giants’ Influence 2024 U.S. Elections:

  1. Crypto giants invest heavily in political influence ahead of 2024 elections.
  2. Crypto-backed super PACs increase spending to sway election outcomes.
  3. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse advocates for a non-partisan approach to crypto regulation.

The cryptocurrency industry, including companies like Coinbase and Ripple, has significantly amplified its political influence ahead of the 2024 elections. Crypto giants have been strategically investing in political campaigns, super PACs, and lobbying efforts to shape the future of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States. Their primary goal is to bridge the gap between policymakers and the cryptocurrency community, which they believe has been largely underrepresented in the political arena.

“It became obvious to us that they had almost no voice in the political process and that there was this huge disconnect between policymakers and this gigantic cross-section of the American public,” said Faryar Shirzad, chief policy officer at Coinbase. This realization has driven companies to actively participate in political financing, aiming to ensure that cryptocurrency interests are well-represented in Washington.

Crypto giants’ efforts are not just about gaining political favor; they are about ensuring that the dialogue around cryptocurrency is based on its merits rather than political bias. “We’re trying to de-politicize crypto,” added Faryar, who transitioned to the crypto industry from Goldman Sachs. “Our broader policy and political efforts are designed to allow us to have discussions on the merits.”

One notable aspect of this political push is the increasing influence of super PACs funded by crypto giants. “It’s becoming increasingly common for super PACs to spend more than the candidates that they’re supporting,” said Sarah Bryner, director of research and strategy at OpenSecrets. This surge in spending underscores the crypto sector’s commitment to influencing election outcomes to favor a pro-innovation regulatory environment.

Jordan Libowitz, vice president for communications at the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, highlighted the growing impact of these efforts. He noted that the approach taken by Fairshake, a crypto-backed super PAC, resembles a “money-in-politics speed run,” emphasizing the rapid and substantial financial contributions aimed at swaying political outcomes.

At the heart of this strategy is the belief that cryptocurrency regulation should not be a partisan issue. “At Ripple, we believe the future of the crypto industry is not really a partisan issue at all,” stated Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse. He pointed out that both Republicans and Democrats have shown support for policies that encourage innovation and compliance, which could help the U.S. reclaim its leadership position in the tech sector.

The crypto industry’s political engagement extends to supporting candidates who advocate for blockchain technology’s potential. A spokesperson for Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) stated, “We will continue to make contributions to candidates who believe in productive uses of blockchain technology.” This sentiment is echoed by industry leaders who see bipartisan support as crucial for the sector’s growth.

With the 2024 elections approaching, crypto giants are doubling down on their political investments. Their focus is on supporting candidates from both parties who prioritize clear and responsible regulation. “Our focus continues to be on supporting candidates on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers who will stop playing politics and pass clear and responsible rules of the road which will protect American consumers, spur American innovation, and grow American jobs,” said Coinbase spokesperson Emily Vlasto.

The strategic political engagement by crypto giants highlights their determination to shape a regulatory environment conducive to innovation and growth. By ensuring that their voices are heard and that policymakers understand the industry’s potential, they aim to foster a future where cryptocurrency can thrive under fair and balanced regulations. 

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